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“It’s not broken dreams that break us. It’s the ones we don’t dare to dream” (glee). Yes I got that quote from glee and it is one of my favorite quotes that I have ever come across. How many of you have wanted to tried things but people have told you that you are crazy? Have they told you that you would never be able to achieve your goals/dreams? If you’re nodding your head I am right there with ya. I have some crazy ideas that I want to do. For example, I told my coach that I want to try to make it to cross country nationals my junior year, and that I knew it was a crazy idea but I wanted to at least try. You want to know what he said to me? He said, “Everything starts with a crazy idea.” The only thing that could happen is that we do not make it, and why be afraid to fail? In life no one will ever be able to accomplish anything if they are too scared to try.

Failure is something that happens to everyone. I hate to break it to you but you are not going to succeed in everything that you try to do. This should not mean that we give up before we even start. We are greater than we think we are, and we can do so much but we hold ourselves back. When we are kids we are usually never too scared to try things. As we get older we are too afraid to do things because we do not want to look stupid or to fail. But why do we care so much about what others may think? We can not let what others may think hold us back from chasing our dreams.

We will never know what we might find if we never try. We could end up falling in love with a new hobby, or meeting our best friend, or trying our favorite food. However, we would never find these things out because we were too scared to try. They say that the biggest thing you will regret in life is what you did not do, the risks you did not take, or the dreams that you did not pursue. Do not let fear control you. Do not let it hold you back from your dreams. I dare you to do something everyday that scares you and find all the opportunities that will open up to you because you are not afraid to try.

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