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Gratitude is the Best Attitude

Look around you right now and name three things that you are grateful for at this moment. Are you sitting inside your house? Do you have food to eat? Are you wearing clothes? Are you on your cell phone or computer reading this? Are you breathing? There are so many things in our lives that we should be grateful for but we take for granted far too often.

Think about all the people that do not have a house to live in, or do not have food to eat. We get so caught up in our own lives and feel so sorry for ourselves when there are others out there with far bigger struggles than we are having. I am not saying that the things you are going through are nothing but if we allow ourselves to just sit and have a pity party for ourselves all the time things are never going to get better.

From the big events to the small events that make an impact in our lives we should be grateful for all of them. Maybe you got a promotion you’ve been working hard to get for years, or maybe someone held the door open for you when you had a lot in your hands. All of these things are little positives in our lives that we should be thankful for. Every day I write down three things I am grateful for in a day. Even when I had just a terrible day I have realized that there are things that I can be grateful for; there are things that were positive about the day. When we choose to focus on things that are good during the day our lives with shift drastically. Whatever we focus on either the good or the bad that is what we are attracting into our lives. If we are positive and focus on the good that is happening, we will attract good things to come into our lives. It works the opposite way as well. Once we start to focus on the negative then we are driving ourselves deeper and deeper into a life full of negativity. It is normal to feel bad when something bad happens but we cannot allow ourselves to live in the past and never let the bad things go.

What can happen once you start being grateful:

  1. Improvement in mood → You will be happier!!

  2. Increased self-esteem

  3. Better sleep (not so worried about everything!)

  4. Less stressed

  5. Increased concentration

  6. Deeper relationships with people

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