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The Beginning

Blogging? This is crazy! After about a 2 month break FearlesslyBalanced is back and better than ever!! I have wanted to start a blog for a long time now but never thought I could do it. I still do not know if I can but decided I might as well give it a try. To start out I wanted to give you all an explanation of why I took time off of Instagram and why I have started a blog.

I stopped posting for awhile because there was just so much going on. From moving into college, running collegiately, meeting and making new friends, taking harder classes, and trying new things, I wanted to be fully present in the moment. I did not want to take anything for granted, but instead enjoy everything that was happening. A lot has changed for me since I have moved away. I definitely do not eat as healthy as I used to, I do not go to bed as early as I used to, and I have had some of the best times here already. Not to mention I have made some amazing friends. These are all definitely good things, but I had trouble handling all these new things and my Instagram account at the same time. However, I am back and even more excited for what this account/blog will become! All of these things that were happening have made me realize that I was not truly living a balanced life before coming to college. I tried really hard to balance enjoying life but also living a healthy life but I was definitely still holding myself back from opportunities because I was afraid that I was not living “healthy enough.” What does living healthy enough even mean? It means something different for everyone. One thing that is the same for everyone that living a healthy life is a mental and physical way of life. I never want to turn down my friends or family when they ask to go out to eat just because I went out to eat the day before.

As I said before I have wanted to start a blog for some time now. My goal is to just share my journey and some things that I have learned along the way. From life experience to food/health related things. I hope to be able to help or inspire someone along the way. I am beyond excited to start and for what is to come. I hope that you will continue to follow me on this website and on Instagram, and continue to read my blog posts.

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