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Find Your Passion

We spend our lives trying to figure out what our purpose is in this world. Most of us spend our whole lives trying to figure this out and we end up wasting so much precious time.

Our life is short. There is no time to waste because every moment is precious. There is so much to do and so much to try. The biggest regret people have in life is wasting time when they could be doing something they love.

Thinking about your passion might be a daunting task. How can you find what your true passion is? Well, take a moment and think about what makes time pass quickly? When do you stop noticing the passing of time?

Whatever you do that makes time fly by is what you need to keep doing. Even if it is just for a couple minutes or hours a day. Do not waste anymore time not doing things that you love to do.

Writing, and creating workouts are a couple things that I love to do and make time fly by. I do not do it often, but I also love designing wedding dresses (they aren't very good lol). I make sure to leave some time out of the day to do these things, or at least one of them each day.

Stop right now and take 5-10 minutes to think about your passion or passions. Find your passion and never let it go. Watch your life unfold once you let yourself be filled with it's passion. Let yourself enjoy your time on earth doing something that you love to do each and everyday.

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